For the lbgtq+ community

Over the years, HOPE has built relationships with organizations such as Youth Outlook and 360 Youth Services to support and serve queer and questioning youth. We have offered space, resources, and support to help bring peace, comfort, and inclusion to the lives of youth who have often experienced bullying, ostracism, and exclusion  at church, school, and home.

rainbow faith

Rainbow Faith is a group that meets on the second and fourth Sundays of the month from 12:30 to 1:45 p.m. as a safe space for LGBT*Q+ faith-seekers to explore the questions of their spiritual life. We are committed to being welcoming, inclusive, affirming and loving of all who wish to join. Some of us are brand new to re-entering the life of the church, others of us are skeptical of faith, and others of us are still fearful after the hurt the church has caused us. This is a place where everyone - no matter who you are, or where you are on life's journey - is welcome to be present, build relationships, and wonder, question and explore their faith.

Join this intentionally inclusive and confidential community and attend a Connection and Conversation event.